Sunday, October 7, 2012

It's called "self control" and I don't know what it means. It's the thing that makes me walk out of Target with FOUR new body washes when I really only needed one. I suppose getting them all now means I won't have to buy more in a while, right? So really it's productive?

I also bought some vanilla chai soap. Yes, that is a real thing and I highly recommend it. It smells like fall. I know everyone always wants it to be the season it's not but Fall is so great. It is my all-time favorite season. It really lets me get the most use of my 4275 scarves that I have scrunched in my scarf drawer. Let me tell you, the hardest thing is finding a way to conveniently store scarves. It's almost cruel. I used to have mine hung on hooks on my wall but then I switched rooms and now have them all shoved in a drawer. It's so hard to see how pretty they all are!

I had to work at 6 this morning and I got home at about 1:30. I just wanted to go back. I have tomorrow off and I'm most definitely hoping that Jonah calls me in. I miss not being able to do more for my job. I really do like not being in charge for once and not having as much responsibility but I feel almost limited in how much I can do. I'm not used to that. I'm used to doing everything I possibly can and more for my job, exceeding expectations and pushing others to do the same. That is not what's up now. I know it hasn't even been two months since I started but I just want more. I need to do more and to be able to do more. Beh. I know I just need to wait it out and keep doing the best with what I am given. Shine where I can and show Jonah what I'm capable of. I know he semi trusts me...sort of. Or at least he's getting there. I just need to be patient and do what I can.

Well I suppose I'll go shower. Try out one (or more) of my new body washes. Maybe I'll go to Rainier tomorrow. Or finally bake that cake...

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